“Please tell your youth that the reviewers LOVED their video!  One said, ‘Wow!  I hope the rest of them are as good as this one!’”  

-Robin McHaelen, former Director of True Colors

AMPLIFY Presentations


Gender and Sexuality Spectrums:

What are They, and How do They Affect Youth Relationships? 2020 and 2021 Virtual Consent Summit!

Atkinson, M., Sosa, S., Fontaine, S., and Alexandrin, J.R. (2020). Bullington-McGuire, O., Cumpston, A., Sosa, S., and Alexandrin, J.R. (2020).

SafeBae May, 2020. Pride Fair, June, 2020. SafeBae February, 2021.

Advice for Parents/Guardians:

How to Support Loved Ones in The Queer Community.

Atkinson, M., Sosa, S., Bullington-McGuire, O., Kimbrel, D., and Alexandrin, J.R. (2020).

Community Support in Challenging Times: The Children and Family Services Division (CFSD) of the Department of Human Services (DHS) Arlington, VA. July, 2020.


Gender and Sexuality Spectrums: What are They, and How do They Affect Youth Relationships?

Sosa, S., Cumpston, A., Bullington-McGuire, O., and Alexandrin, J.R. (2021). Gender and Sexuality Spectrums: What are They, and How do They Affect Youth Relationships? Presented at the SafeBAE 2021Virtual Consent Summit. SafeBae.org 

Exploring what gender and sexuality spectrums are and how they affect and are connected to relationships, especially when youth are in the marginalized parts of these spectrums. Youth who identify from both sexually or gender marginalized spectrums will be presenting.

Dr. Julie Alexandrin’s Presentations


Hidden and Social Bias

Case Studies, focus on Domestic Violence

Connect with us to host your own event or presentation